Create a prior-posterior plot.
dfPoints = NULL,
median = NULL,
xName = NULL,
yName = gettext("Density", domain = "R-jaspGraphs"),
drawPizzaTxt = !is.null(BF),
drawCRItxt = !is.null(CRI),
bfType = c("BF01", "BF10", "LogBF10"),
hypothesis = c("equal", "smaller", "greater"),
bfSubscripts = NULL,
pizzaTxt = hypothesis2BFtxt(hypothesis)$pizzaTxt,
bty = list(type = "n", ldwX = 0.5, lwdY = 0.5),
lineColors = NULL,
CRItxt = "95% CI: ",
medianTxt = gettext("Median:", domain = "R-jaspGraphs"),
A dataframe with $x
, $y
, and optionally $g
A dataframe with $x
, $y
, and optionally $g
Numeric, with value of Bayes factor. This MUST correspond to bfType.
Numeric of length 2, Credible interval of posterior.
Numeric, median of posterior.
String or expression, displayed on the x-axis.
String or expression, displayed on the y-axis.
Logical, should there be text above and below the pizza plot?
Logical, should the credible interval be displayed in text?
String, what is the type of BF? Options are "BF01", "BF10", or "LogBF10".
String, what was the hypothesis? Options are "equal", "smaller", or "greater".
String, manually specify the BF labels.
String vector of length 2, text to be drawn above and below pizza plot.
List of three elements. Type specifies the box type, ldwX the width of the x-axis, lwdY the width of the y-axis.
NULL to omit line colors, a character vector with colors, or any other value to add color = g
to the aesthetics of the main plot.
String, display the credible interval as paste0(CRItxt, "[", lower, ", ", upper, "]")
String, display the median as paste(medianTxt, formatC(median, 3, format = "f"))
If BF, CRI, and median are all NULL a ggplot, otherwise a gtable.
n <- 100
x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = n)
dfLines <- data.frame(
x = x,
y = c(dnorm(x, 0, 1), dnorm(x, 1, .5)),
g = rep(c("Prior", "Posterior"), each = n)
#> Warning: `themeJasp()` was deprecated in jaspGraphs
#> ℹ Please use `themeJaspRaw()` instead.
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the jaspGraphs package.
#> Please report the issue to the authors.
dfPoints <- data.frame(
x = c(0, 0),
y = dnorm(0, c(0, 1), c(1, .5)),
g = c("Prior", "Posterior")
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints)
# add BF pizza
BF10 <- dnorm(0, 1, .5) / dnorm(0, 0, 1)
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, bfType = "BF10") # default
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, 1 / BF10, bfType = "BF01")
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, log(BF10), bfType = "LogBF10")
# change hypothesis
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, hypothesis = "smaller")
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, hypothesis = "greater")
# add credible interval
CRI <- qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975), 1, .5)
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, CRI = CRI)
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, CRI = CRI, drawCRItxt = FALSE)
# add median
median <- qnorm(0.5, 1, .5)
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, median = median)
# or combine them all
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, CRI = CRI, median = median)